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Monday, March 2, 2015

3rd Anniversary Post

It's Told You So Review's 3rd Birthday!

I'm publishing this post in celebration of my blog's third, albeit belated anniversary! Since the day I created this blog, I've published 90 posts, received 15,283 pageviews, received 105 comments (my replies among them), and been followed by 11 people (my two Google accounts included)! This was my most prosperous year yet, as I added tons of sections, I posted more reviews than in any other year, and my number of views practically doubled! Be sure to keep commenting and checking out my blog, and maybe become a follower! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mason!
    I am so proud of you for this amazing accomplishment. You've had a blog longer than I have and you certainly have a great following. Does your new principal know about your blog? If not, you should change that! :) I sure miss having you at Penngrove but I know you're doing great things in 7th grade. Keep up the great work and remember me when you're famous!
    ~Mrs. Fadeji
