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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Incredible Hulk Review

The Incredible Hulk
Publisher: Sega Developer: Age of Reality / Amaze Works Platform: Wii Players: 1 Release: 2008 Genre: Action / Sandbox Rating: 8.4 \ 10.0: Fantastic

Above us the Hulk beating down an enemy mech-suit pilot

Based on the movie released the same year (based on the popular Marvel comic book series) The Incredible Hulk chronicles the quest of the identically named superhero, who is secretly a scientist named Bruce Banner. After being exposed to gamma radiation, he gained the ability to mutate into a hulking beast whenever he becomes angry. And then, the army, an organization known as the Enclave, and Hulk's enemies pursue him. The first level has you escape the US military headquarters, and afterwards you are dropped into the massive sandbox of New York City. Here, you can run around and climb and smash buildings, pick up streetlamps and use them clubs or javelins, hurl cars across the street, and more! You will find many missions to engage in that that are divided through multiple storylines. Above the mini-map in the corner of the screen, there is a number that divides a bar. It starts out at zero. As you do damage, you earn points and it starts filling up. Once you reach level one, the military will come in with foot soldiers and Humvees with machine-guns mounted on them; at level two soldiers in flying mech-suits will arrive; and at level three, they'll send in tanks that infinitely deploy soldiers. The max level is four. If you take a few hits, you can run away and slowly regain you health. All throughout the city there are mission points. The game branches multiple storylines through the missions, some involving the military, some involving the Enclave, and more. There are also a total of 15 jump challenges scattered throughout the city, completed by jumping through a floating yellow hoop, and completing them grants you a higher jump, charged by holding A. There are a large variety of moves to learn, such as grabbing a vehicle and tearing it in half to use as boxing gloves. You can also unlock different characters to play as from Hulk's comic book adventures as well as other extras, such as comic book covers. However, exploring New York City can become boring after awhile, and the visuals aren't particularly impressive. The Incredible Hulk is a great game, and fan or not, you should give it a try.

Tons of missions
Wanted-level system
Wealth of extras

Exploring gets boring
Not-very-impressive visuals

ESRB: T Content: Mild Blood, Mild Language, and Violence (PARENTAL WARNING: This game contains moderate violence, and some bad language) Price: $39.99 (Retail)

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