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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Warmongers Review

Publisher: Category 5 Games Developer: Category 5 Games Platform: Kindle Fire Release: 2012 Genre: Action / Real-Time Strategy Rating: 7.9 / 10.0: Great
Above is a scene from one of the game's early battles.

If you enjoy fantasy-filled strategy action, than Warmongers is for you. Like many apps, it doesn't need a story to be fun. The general idea is that you use mana to deploy various units into a battlefield to combat goblins. There is a green on the top of the screen. You must fill it up by getting units across the screen. When goblins cross, it empties. When it's full, you win! In the center of the bar is an orb-- your BloodLust orb. This orb can be filled by defeating foes, waiting, our using potions that you can unlock by playing every day. When filled, you can activate a unit's supernatural BloodLust attack. Every unit has a different attack. For example, the spearman charges towards the nearest enemy with tremendous speed and dispatches it with a flurry of spear strikes; the knight charges towards the nearest enemy and releases a shockwave that temporarily stuns all the foes in that row; the archer releases an arrow that knocks back and mildly damages all the enemies in a row; the wizard transforms the nearest opponent into a sheep, which then explodes. These are half of the eight unit's attacks. The game features 16 territories, each consisting of several sets of three battles. You can unlock new units and BloodLust tokens by conquering territories. BloodLust tokens are used to purchase a unit's BloodLust attack. Additionally, there are various powers you can unlock. These powers can be used in battle. They include summoning a rain of arrows, calling forth a row of massive wooden stakes that burst from the ground, and tossing a poisonous gas bomb to weaken foes. Also, there are different army colors. Each color has a different ability. The default color, red, increases BloodLust regeneration from kills. Blue increases mana regeneration, and so on. The most expensive color, black, combines the effects of all purchased colors. However, the game can be very difficult. Managing your mana well is crucial, and one wrong move can ruin the whole battle and cease your winning streak bonuses. Plus, the action can get repetitive at times. The game will satisfy anyone seeking a stiff challenge. Despite its flaws, Warmongers is great by mobile game standards-- and it's FREE!

Great strategy action
Awesome BloodLust attacks
Cool powers
It's FREE!!!

Very hard
Mana-managing is crucial
One wrong move can ruin you
Sometimes repetitive action

Also availabe on iOS

ESRB: ??? Content: ??? Price: $0.00 (Download)

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