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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

League of Evil Review

League of Evil
Publisher: Noodlecake Studios Developer: Ravenous Games / Woblyware Platform: Kindle Fire Players: 1 Release: 2012 Genre: Action / 2D Platformer Rating: 7.6 / 10.0: Satisfactory

Above is the agent delivering a punch

From the creators of other apps including Random Heroes (see my review!) comes a critically acclaimed action-platformer app. The game has you assume the roll of a cyborg agent who is sent out to take out evil scheming scientists collectively known as the League of Evil. You are equipped with supernatural agility and strength, as well as two of the most powerful weapons known to man-- a fist and a foot! You'll get face spike pits, electrified drones, turrets, spiked blocks, soldiers, ninjas, spies, sumos, and more across over 160 stages to give those scientists that well-deserved punch in the face! This is a speed-running-oriented platformer in the vein of Super Meat Boy-- the stages are short, and you're only given a short amount of time to complete a stage if you wish to achieve a three-star score. Longer levels will grant you 35 seconds, but sometimes you might be limited to eight! If completing this game 100% didn't already sound tough enough, there's a briefcase hidden in every stage. I strongly advise getting three stars on a level before attempting to snatch a briefcase so you'll be free to take your time. Like other Ravenous Games titles, League of Evil has a quirky sense of humor. The best examples  of this are the opening cut-scenes at the beginning of each world. In the first world, you get assigned; in the second world, there's a newspaper which includes an add for League of Evil 2; in the third world, it's a TV news announcement; and in the fourth world, it's a scene in which you must break free from a chair you're chained to and dispatch two spies. Plus, the game has an infectiously catchy chiptine soundtrack. However, the game is hard-- EXTREMELY hard. This game is best enjoyed in short bursts-- you're gonna end up wanting to scream if you get stuck on a stage, and trust me, activating the "ghost" option will only get in your way. Having the ghosts of your failed attempts bloodbath screen is obviously influenced by Super Meat Boy, but that game saves it for when you've completed a level. I've checked my stats, and I've died several thousand times. I also envountered a handful of frustrating technical issues including being locked in a certain direction, completion screens taking awhike to load, and unresponsive menus. Despite the extreme difficulty, League of Evil is a great app that any fan of Ravenous Games shouldn't miss out on.

What do you expect after playing Random Heroes?
Quirky humor

Ghosts are intrusive
Minor technical iaauss

ESRB: ??? Content: ??? (PARENTAL WARNING: This game contains large amounts of animated blood) Price: $0.99 (Download)

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