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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Told You So Scoring System

Told So Scoring System

I already made a list like this on my site's sidebar, but here is a much more descriptive version of my review system.

I rate the games I review on a scale of 0.1 to 10.0. Each score range has a corresponding rank. Here is a list of the scores and their ranks, along with a description to go along with them.

0.1-0.9 --- Beyond Bad

This game is so bad, it is literally worse than bad. Nothing is good about this game, nor is there anything promising about it. A game of such poor quality is likely near-unplayable due to countless bugs and a frustrating control scheme.

1.0-3.9 --- Awful

Just horrible. The game may have potential, but it is impossible to overlook how unpleasant it is to play.

4.0-4.9 --- Bad

This game may have a couple fun moments, but that's where the good things end. It's just too bland and unenjoyable.

5.0-5.9 --- Mediocre

This is a subpar game. It definitely has some promise, but there's about an equal level of entertainment and buggy blandness. You'll have some fun, but be will be disappointed.

6.0-6.9 --- Okay

There's definitely some fun to be had here, but there are also a good deal of flaws. This game is enjoyable, but you'll need to ignore the issues to truly like it.

7.0-7.4 --- Good

This is a game that is fun most of the time, but has its share of flaws. It may not captivate you for very long due to the issues that are present, but it will be fun while it lasts.

7.5-7.9 --- Satisfactory

There are some issues, a couple of which may be major, but there's enough entertainment to make you want to come back.

8.0-8.4 --- Great

Although very entertaining, there will definitely be some problems you have with this title. It's unlikely that there's more than one issue that could be considered major, and you'll still have a lot of fun with this game.

8.5-8.9 --- Fantastic

Tons of fun with a few flaws that can be overlooked. This game may not be perfect, but it's pretty darn good even though there's a handful of small issues.

9.0-9.4 --- Excellent

An amazing title. There are some issues, some of which are noticeable. There's far more good than bad, though, and this is a game that can very easily be enjoyed.

9.5-9.9 --- Masterful

A masterpiece of a game more than worthy of your time. Any issues are very small do incredibly little to deduct from the experience.

10.0 ------- Perfect

Simply perfect. A game worthy to be considered one of the greatest ever made. If there are any flaws, they are so hard to notice that you won't care one bit.

The score of the games I review is based on several factors.


Essentially how good a game looks. If a modern game has pixelated or hand-drawn visuals, this factor's power is based on the level of charm. I base the graphical appeal of old games off of how good the games looked at the time of their release. This aspect of the game is less effective if there are blurry textures or pop-up.


How do the music and sound effects hold up? I base the effectiveness of this factor off of how realistic or fun to hear the sound effects are and how memorable the music is, if there is any.


Is the control scheme easy to understand, and how long does it take the learn the basics of the game? Games with steep learning curves can still far well, but you won't enjoy them if you have a fairly short attention span.

Replay Value

Will this game keep you coming back for more, and how long does it take to complete? A game needs entertaining distractions from the main attraction for this factor to fare well.

Fun Factor

This important thing of all is the overall entertainment. How fun a game is to play matters more than everything else on this list. It takes more than beautiful visuals and amazing music to make a great video game. What's the point of playing if you're not having a good time?

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