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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II Review

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II
Publisher: Sega Developer: Sonic Team / Dimps Platform: Kindle Fire Players: 1-2 Release: 2012 Genre: 2D Platformer / Action Rating: 7.6 \ 10.0: Satisfactory
Above is a scene from the first stage
After years without a 2D platformer, Sonic returned to his roots near the end of 2010 with Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I. Metal Sonic survived his defeat in Sonic CD, but was severely damaged and abandoned on Little Planet. Following the events of part one, Dr. Eggman locates and repairs Metal Sonic. Upon hearing that Eggman is back, Sonic and Tails reunite to stop him. There are 18 stages to complete divided into five zones. The game plays similarly to the original Sonic trilogy on Genesis, as this is a retro revival. But the gameplay has a new twist: By tapping a button, you can activate a special Sonic-Tails combo move. When you're on the ground, this move is an super-fast Spin Dash that can destroy certain enemies and walls; when you're airborne, Sonic grabs Tail's feet and you can repeatedly tap the jump button to fly high into the air, although it's temporary. Both moves are mandatory to use at certain points in the game. At the end of each world, as expected, you face a boss. Sometimes, it's Dr. Eggman piloting a massive robot, and sometimes it's Metal Sonic. There is also a set of achievements to keep you busy once you've completed the game, and leaderboards to encourage you to get a higher total score than any buddies that may own the game as well as other people. This aspect of the game is available whether you decide to play it on a mobile device or console. However, there are issues, most involving difficulty level. Some particularly tough stretches of the game can eat through your lives and cause annoying game overs, but that's partly because of the fact that every time you get a game over, you restart with a mere three lives. Also, whenever you restart a boss battle, you must re-watch the lengthy and pointless cut-scene. These flaws limit the experience, but any seeking a solid Sonic retro revival will not be disappointed.

Solid retro action
Cool Sonic-Tails combos
Achievements and leaderboards

Tough at times
Not enough lives
Must re-view cut-scenes

ESRB:  E Content: Comic Mischief Price: $4.99 (Download)


  1. This one brings back good memories of the first Sonic. What a fun game. The graphics look very similar. I am surprised that you only gave a satisfactory rating. So, I guess this will not be the first one on my list to try. Thanks for the great reviews, and keep them up.

    Big Fan

    1. 7.6 isn't a very bad score. Most of the negativity comes from the difficulty.
