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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Told You So Review's Guide to Gamer Language

Told You So Review's Guide to Gamer Language
Some of my viewers may not entirely understand some of the gaming terms I use, and if you are among that crowd, this dictionary of the language of gamers will be very helpful. It includes terms even I haven't used in my reviews, because gamers gotta know how to speak gamer. Example sentences are included, and examples for genres are the names of a game from the genre that I have reviewed.

Anti power move | The opposite of a power move (see "Power move")
Ex.: "You failed the level again! What an anti power move!"


Backseat gamer | Somebody that tries to tell their friend how to play a game while they are spectating. This is typically unnecessary and annoying
Ex.: "I know how to play the game, stop being a backseat gamer!"
Brawler | A typically 2.5D game that involves advancing from room to room while pummeling foes, thus earning the genre the nickname of "beat 'em up"
Ex.: Castle Crashers


Collectathon | A term that typically refers to nonlinear 3D platformers in which there are numerous collectable items that are necessary for progression
Ex.: Super Mario Oydssey 

COM / CPU | Abbreviations for "computer", as in a computer-controlled character
Ex.: The player was about to face a COM opponent.
Cut-scene | A cinematic sequence in which the story progresses and you usually have no control
Ex.: The final cut-scene was very lengthy.

DLC | Short for "downloadable content", which is, as the name implies, extra content you can purchase and download
Ex.: A new DLC map pack was released for the game.

Easter egg | A special hidden secret
Ex.: The Easter egg was very well-hidden.

eSports | Short for "electronic sports". That doesn't mean sports video games, it means professional gaming!
Ex.: The gamer made thousands of dollars through eSports.

Expansion pack | DLC that adds a significant amount of content to an online game, typically an MMORPG  (See MMO and RPG)
Ex.: The expansion pack increased the player level cap and added a new raid.


F2P / FTP | Short for "free2play" / "free-to-play", a game which is, well, free to play
Ex.: Random Heroes

FPS | Short for "first-person shooter", a shooting game in which you view the game from the eyes of the player character
Ex.: The Halo series

Freenium | An F2P game featuring DLC / IAP that can be purchased with real money (see "F2P / FTP", "DLC", and "IAP")
Ex.: Clash of Clans

God mode | When a player is massively overpowered and capable of creating lots of chaos
Ex.: "I've got a massive win-streak! I'm in God mode right now!

Grinding | Frequent repetition of a task in order to gain loot and / or experience points, typically in an RPG
Ex.: Destiny (this game contains a good deal of grinding)


IAP | Short for in-app-purchase. Essentially DLC for apps, but usually in the form of in-game currency instead of content (see "DLC")
Ex.: The game sold a virtual currency as an IAP.


JRPG | Short for "Japanese role-playing game" (see RPG)
Ex.: The Mario & Luigi series 


Killer app | Short for "killer application", a system's / company's most popular game
Ex.: The Super Mario series is Nintendo's killer app


Linear | Used to describe an objective in a game in which there is a strict path that the player follows


Minigame | A small and short game within a game
Ex.: The Mario Party series (these games aren't minigames, but minigame-based games)

MLG | Short for Major League Gaming. Major League Gamers compete in es|Sports tournaments for money (see "eSports")
Ex.: The gamer had won several MLG tournaments.

MMO | Short for "massively multiplayer online game", which is a game in which you interact with other users around the world. MMO is the root of subgenres such as MMORPGs (see "RPG")
Examples: No example

MOBA | Short for "multiplayer online battle arena", which are games that typically feature numerous distinct characters and are played from a top-down perspective in a PvP arena (see "PvP")
Ex.: No example

Noob | Sometimes written as "n00b". A noob is a newbie to a game and has a weak knowledge of it and little experience
Ex.: The player was inexperienced and considered a noob by others

NPC | Short for "non-player-character". An NPC can also be an NPC residence
Ex.: The player found a group of NPCs.

OP | Short for "overpowered"
Ex.: "That weapon is OP!"

Platformer | A game that usually involves jumping from place to place. 2D platformers are played from a side-view perspective, and 3D platformers are open-world and allow  more exploration. Platformers usually contain collectibles such as coins and power-ups
Ex.: The Super Mario series

Power move | An impressive feat
Ex.: "You just beat the final boss! What a power move!"

PvP | Short for "player versus player"
Ex.: The PvP arena was elaborate.

Pwn | To brutally defeat an opponent
Ex.: "I'm gonna pwn this guy!"


Rage quit | To quit out of rage and frustration
Ex.: The player had failed so many times that he rage quit.

RTS | Short for "real-time strategy", a game in you must execute a strategy with no break to plan it out-- it all moves in real time
Ex.: Warmongers

RPG | Short for "role playing game", a that is usually set in fantasy world and usually contain turn-based or real-time battles feature and a cast of numerous characters
Ex.: The Paper Mario series


Sandbox | A game allow you to explore an open world able to do whatever you please
Ex.: Minecraft


TBS | Short for "turn-based-strategy,", a game in which you engage in strategic turn-based battles
Ex.: No example

TPS | Short for "third-person shooter", a shooting game in which you view the player character from a third-person perspective. This is typically an over-the-shoulder view
Ex.: Kid Icarus: Uprising

I hope this guide was helpful! Now you'll know what to say when you go god mode pwn those n00bs in a PvP match in your favorite MOBA!